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wind instruments are commonly called organ pipes they produce sound when air is blown through them where as percussion instruments produce sound by tapping sharply or striking

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9mo ago

Wind instruments produce sound by using air blown into them, such as flutes or saxophones, while percussion instruments produce sound by being struck, shaken, or scraped, like drums or cymbals. Wind instruments rely on airflow to create sound, whereas percussion instruments rely on physical impact.

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The same as the difference between a tuned and un-tuned wind instrument or string instrument.

What are some facts about the Incas?

The Incas invented many wind and percussion instruments. The flute was a popular instrument.

What instrumental family does the pipe organ belong to?

That depends. If you consider percussion instruments and keyboard instruments to be seperate groups, then the pipe organ belongs in the keyboard group. If you consider percussion and keyboard instruments to be the same group, then the pipe organ is a percussion instrument. It's worth noting that the pipe organ is also technically a woodwind instrument, because the sounds come from wind passing through its pipes.