A Gaussian noise is a type of statistical noise in which the amplitude of the noise follows that of a Gaussian distribustion whereas additive white Gaussian noise is a linear combination of a Gaussian noise and a white noise (white noise has a flat or constant power spectral density).
The Gaussian distribution is the same as the normal distribution. Sometimes, "Gaussian" is used as in "Gaussian noise" and "Gaussian process." See related links, Interesting that Gauss did not first derive this distribution. That honor goes to de Moivre in 1773.
smoothing is a noise reduction technique that derives its name from the fact that it employs a simple, fast filtering algorithm that sacrifices noise suppression power in order to preserve the high spatial frequency detail (e.g. sharp edges) in an image. It is explicitly designed to remove noise spikes --- i.e. isolated pixels of exceptionally low or high pixel intensity (e.g. salt and pepper noise) and is, therefore, less effective at removing additive noise (e.g.Gaussian noise) from an image. biometrics@hotmail.com
Raster graphics is a way of storing graphical information (see related link). Random refers to a complete lack of order or relationships between values or events. Small random disturbances in acoustics is referred to as noise. See related link.
The natural sampling is one which can be represented with respect to amplitude of the analog signal.The flat top sampling is the one which can be represented in only a particular amplitude which cannot be changed with respect to the analog signalthis is true but let me add another difference that Is The Noise ...In Natural sampling : the sample take the top signals shape ( respect to amplitude of the analog signal ) which mean if there is noise above signal , when it will be demodulate with LBF (low pass filter ) it will cut from the original signal ,,,, We cant do that ...but In Flat-Top sampling : the sample shape will be lated so if there is noise we can remove it easily and the signal we be like it transmitted without any noise ...
Noise triangle is a triangular noise distribution for FM.Noise triangle is the study of effect of noise on the carrier signal of the FM wave.
White noise is a type of signal that has a flat power spectral density across all frequencies, meaning that all frequencies have equal power. Gaussian noise refers to noise with a normal distribution in the time domain. While white noise has uniform power across all frequencies, Gaussian noise has a distribution of values that follows the Gaussian (bell-shaped) curve.
"Circular" means the variance of the real and imaginary parts are equal. "White" refers to the fact that the power spectral density of the noise is flat across the whole frequency spectrum. This means that its autocorrelation is a Dirac-delta at t=0 (so its covariance matrix will show noise powers on the diagonal elements and zeros elsewhere). "Gaussian" means the probability distribution of the amplitudes of the noise samples is Gaussian.
Gaussian noise is a type of random noise with a probability distribution that follows a Gaussian or normal distribution. It is characterized by a symmetrical bell-shaped curve with values clustered around the mean, making it a common model for natural variations in many systems and processes. The randomness of Gaussian noise can affect signals in various applications such as communication systems, image processing, and measurement devices.
The Gaussian distribution is the same as the normal distribution. Sometimes, "Gaussian" is used as in "Gaussian noise" and "Gaussian process." See related links, Interesting that Gauss did not first derive this distribution. That honor goes to de Moivre in 1773.
This additive noise come from varies factors , one of the main factor is Temperature.Why this noise said to additive in the sense this noise only adding the signal not integrating the noise, so it is a cumulative processes, not integrating one.
a noise of a computer is lower than atelivision
An AWGN channel adds white Gaussian noise to the signal that passes through it.
Music can be coined as structured, organized noise.
the difference between voice and noise is the voice is somebody speaking and it is smooth and mellow and noise means loud and mad if you think say noise in your head when you say noise you just no what it means loud big and it could mean danger as well.
Percy A. Pierre has written: 'Characterizations of Gaussian random processes by representations in terms of independent random variables' -- subject(s): Gaussian processes, Random noise theory
Thermal noise occurs in all transmission media and all communication equipment, including passive devices. It arises from random electron motion and is characterized by a uniform distribution of energy over the frequency spectrum with a Gaussian distribution of levels. Noise. Impulse noise is noncontinuous, consisting of irregular pulses or noise "spikes" of short duration, broad spectral density, and relatively high amplitude.