Dry: Free from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist. Wet: Covered or saturated with water or another liquid. Hope this helped*
The wet mix has moisture in addition to the components that have been used. The dry mix only has the individual components with no moisture or water.
well one is dry and one is wet
No you are not really wet until you hit dry air. Now if you were on underwater came out to get some air, then your head would be wet and anything else touching the air.
Anyone who has dug a shovelful of wet sand and a shovelful of dry sand will tell you that the wet sand is quite a bit heavier than the dry sand. Dry sand is composed of individual particles with air in the spaces between grains. When you add water to a bucket of dry sand, the water replaces the air. Although the bucket is already full of sand, you can pour in quite a bit of water, adding that much more weight. If you have a choice of which bucket to carry, pick the bucket of dry sand every time!
Wet air has more water vapor than dry air.
The difference between wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperature is called the Wet-Bulb Depression. It is a measure of air humidity, with a larger depression indicating higher humidity levels.
nothing is the difference
nothing is the difference
dry corrosion is taken place in the presence of gases whereas wet corrosion takes place in the presence of moisture in air
macular degeneration difference between wet and dry
One has water in it or wet .one is emptyfull of air snd has flapervalve
It is saturated.
It is saturated.
It is saturated.
Wet heat you get in a sauna bath where there is hot rocks and water is poured over to let steam into the air. Dry heat there is very little moisture in the air. Wet heat can feel hotter but can be easier to breathe in than dry heat.
wet sieve analysis is wetdry sieve analysis is dry