An echocardiogram gives a visual picture of the heart muscle and chambers.
An electrocardiogram (EKG) produces a graph showing the electrical impulses of the heart's contractions. It shows various wave forms of the electrical strength and pattern.
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difference between series is one pathway through circuit,difference between parralal is more then one pathway through circuit.
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What the difference between envelop and coherent detection of AM signals
An electromyogram (EMG) is a test used to evaluate the electrical activity produced by muscles. On the other hand, an electromyelogram (EMylg) is not a standard medical term and may be a typographical error or confusion with EMG.
The polarity at which it limits a waveform.
The output waveform will be limited to the difference between the supply and ground (or between the positive and negative supplies). This causes distortion of the output waveform.
biphasic have lower waveform compared to monophasic
An electromyogram (EMG) is a test that measures muscle electrical activity, while an electromyograph (EMG) is the instrument used to perform the test. The EMG records electrical signals produced by muscles during contraction and at rest, providing information about muscle function and nerve activity.
simple waveform - something like a sine wave. Very pure sound like you used to get on the tv when that girl was sitting with the toys in the middle of the night. Complex waveform is like speech etc
The Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem states that in order to accurately capture a waveform, the sampling frequency must be at least twice the frequency of the waveform. If the sampling frequency is too low compared to the waveform frequency, aliasing can occur, resulting in distorted representations of the waveform.
Two locations are said to be "in phase" when the waveform is "lined up" so there is no voltage difference between the two points.They are out of phase if there is a voltage difference between them.If you are looking at an oscillograph reading of both, if they are in phase the waveforms will be identical magnitude at the same time. If out of phase, one will be shifted relative to the other causing a voltage difference.
Because power dissipated in rl circuit is given by p= 1/2(Li²)+ i²R which will give a curve and not a linear graph. Secondly the graph is a cosine curve ,with a phase difference between current and voltage. Hence the waveform is not symmetrical to x-axis .
A Fourier series is a set of harmonics at frequencies f, 2f, 3f etc. that represents a repetitive function of time that has a period of 1/f. A Fourier transform is a continuous linear function. The spectrum of a signal is the Fourier transform of its waveform. The waveform and spectrum are a Fourier transform pair.
The key differences between the P wave and T wave in an electrocardiogram (ECG) are that the P wave represents the electrical activity of the atria contracting, while the T wave represents the electrical activity of the ventricles relaxing.