well there is no BIG difference between the silly boys but, in there dummy state they are always arguing and if you read the original it states in one of their arguments that tweedle Dee is older and tweedle dumb is alergic to rasberrys. (:
dum dum
DUM-da-da, Dum-da-da
If you profit from your mistakes then you will prosper.
THE ARCHAEOLOGIST OF THE FUTURE Five thousand years have fled, let us suppose. And lo, an archaeologist appears, Searching for records of our joys and fears. And haply out of all our verse and prose One book alone remains. How will it pose His plodding brain, after that flight of years, To come on Alice swimming in her tears, Or Father William, an eel upon his nose! He'll stare and gasp at Tweedle-dee and -dum And gape at incandescent words that mock Invention: Bandersnatch and Jabberwock, And, fancying angry eggs and talking flowers, No doubt will think his fifth millennium A far less entertaining time than ours. -- Leonard Bacon
word up is a silly song not that i dont like it, its just a song dum dum
Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum are typically portrayed as twin brothers in the stories they appear in, such as "Through the Looking-Glass" by Lewis Carroll.
The twin sisters called Faith and Fiona Chattaway are in fact not twins in real life. They are played by Eleanor Gecks and Eleanor Tomlinson.
the song is tweedle Dee tweedle dum and is sung by Laverne Baker circa 1956-59
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are fictional characters in Lewis Carroll's book "Through the Looking-Glass." They are identical twins who love to recite poetry and tell stories to Alice. They are known for their round shape and silly behaviors.
Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum, Cookie, Woody, Hannah, Betty, and Boop!!!! ^^^Too Orginal^^^ How about KFC,Nugget.fingerlickin',Sunday roast,Esme,Jemima,Bob,Tasty,Dinner,Supper... XD ;)
Tweedledee and Tweedledum are the fictional names of twin characters found in the book Alice Through the Looking Glass (a/k/a Alice in Wonderland). The names are no more real than is Mad Hatter.
Alice, the White Queen, the Red Queen, the white rabbit, the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, the March Hare, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.
It is a see-saw. If you are facing the gate in Arkham North, turn to your left and search the bushes. You should find the see-saw with hats on each end
Dum Dee dum Dee dum . . .
are you dum or somat
dum dee dum....... 345623876452398475 lbs