A toga is basically a swatch of rectangular cloth that you wrap around your body - it has no shape of its own. It is not stitched or sewn. It was held in place with ropes, ties, or pins.
A tunic is an actual body-shaped garment, that is sewn at the seams. it still lacks a bit of shape, but has more of a fundamental body shape and structure than a toga.
a tunic or toga
The patricians, like all Romans wore the tunic and toga. They were entitled to have a narrow purple stripe bordering their togas and also on their tunics. If he were a senator, a patrician would have a broad purple stripe on his toga and tunic. This was for formal dress. For everyday dress most men abandoned the toga for the ease of movement afforded by a cloak.
The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.The basic outfit for the well dressed Roman gentleman was the tunic and toga. (Many times the toga was replaced by the various forms of cloaks in fashion.) His wife would wear the stola and palla. Tunics and stolas were always belted and shoes were worn outdoors. Sandals and slippers were used only indoors.
Ancient Roman clothing was basically the tunic and toga. The tunic was a loose fitting long shirt and had the advantage of being cool in the summer and because of its oversize, two or three could be worn in the winter for warmth. The toga, too was another layer for warmth. As the toga grew in size, it had the advantage of having its back fold deep enough to be drawn up over the head for added warmth and to keep light rain off. The toga also had a front fold that could be used as a pocket. Its disadvantage was that it was difficult to walk or move as it was draped down to ground level.
The Romans wore togas. They are kind of like white blankets that you can wearMen: Regular male citizens would wear simple tunics. Rich men would wear togas, but these were not very popular.Women:Regular female citizens wore tunics. Some of the richer ones would wear something called a palla, a large piece of cloth wrapped around the body.There weren't too many clothing options in ancient Rome.
a tunic or toga
No, a toga is more like a tunic/dress.
No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.No. A senator may have a purple stripe on his toga and tunic, but that's all. Purple was reserved for the emperor and for triumphing generals.
The main article of Roman fashion, aside from the toga, was the tunic.
Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.Men wore the tunic and toga or cloak. Women wore the stolla, which was a long belted dress ad the palla which was a shawl.
toga i believe.
tunic toga and sandals
toga, tunic, paella, tunica....
All men wore the tunic and toga. The only difference was the wealthy had finer materials than the poor and a senator or public official had a purple stripe on his clothing.
This is unknown. Most people wore a tunic for daily use and not a toga. They were made of wool.
It's a "Toga" or a standard version is the "Tunic" or "Tunica"
its called a toga