The trench gun was a Winchester model 1897 pump action shotgun.
A riot gun is or is modeled on a military M79 40mm grenade launcher. They are designed to fire nonlethal rounds, typically beanbags or riot control gas canisters (CS or teargas).
Trench guns, first used in the first world war may also be referred to as combat shotguns, riot shotguns, trench shotguns, bayonets, muskets or blunderbusses.
on the muzzle end of the barrel there will be 3 grooves for the handgaurd/extension, if the barrel is smooth on the outside with no grooves it is a riot gun.
yes, there is a trench gun on cod 5
They used a trench gun aka a shot gun and a Springfield rifle and a Thompson gun.
Model 12 serial number 906770 was manufactured in April of 1941, and yes, they were made with a 20-inch barrel (the Riot Gun and Trench Gun).
If your Savage model 720 riot shotgun has between 60%-80% of its original finish remaining,then it will be valued at between 600-925 dollars.
The answer to your question can only be answered if the serial number in known, and the specific variation is known (e.g. Field gun, Trap, Pigeon, Brush, Riot, Trench, etc.) Bert H.
go to this website and it should answer your question The Blue Book lists this gun from $100 to $275. If it has US Military markings, the price doubles, and if it is a military trench gun or riot gun, values run even higher.
Mainly in the stock
In Call of Duty, no, but in real life you could, but only if you could hold a gun and a riot shield at the same time.
Stock dimensions and sights
You need a professional appraisal