A race condition is an undesirable situation that occurs when a device or system attempts to perform two or more operations at the same time, but because of the nature of the device or system, the operations must be done in the proper sequence in order to be done correctly.
toggle condition :- the condition of the flip-flop in which on the application of clock-pulse inverts the present state Q(t+1) = Q'(t) on the application of clock-pulse for JK-flip-flop the toggle condition is J=K=1 for JK flip-flop this is called toggle condition condition
press either the + or - buttons to toggle between over and around the wicket
The "Race Around Condition" occurs when J+K=1 i.e. When the FF is in the toggle mode.the race around condition in JK latch can be avoided by:a) Using the edge triggered JK flip flop.b) Using the master slave JK flip flop.
The "Race Around Condition" occurs when J+K=1 i.e. When the FF is in the toggle mode.the race around condition in JK latch can be avoided by:a) Using the edge triggered JK flip flop.b) Using the master slave JK flip flop.
A toggle switch, typically a mechanical or electronic component, can act as a toggle by altering between two states, such as on and off.
Toggle is the fastest type of MLC NAND by a considerable margin. There is a larger performance gap between toggle and synchronous than there is between synchronous and asynchronous.
A toggle.
Race-around condition is arises in level triggered JK flip flop . when you apply 1 to both j and k input than the flip flop will toggle on every clock or it may toggle multiple times in the same clock pulse . it may be possible that new output will feedback to input before clock goes to zero (for positive edge triggered) if it happens than the flip flop will toggle on time again . this undesired toggling is called Race-around condition. overcome by - using edge triggered flip flop. using very narrow clock width.
i think title case starts titles with capital letters while sentence case is starting sentesces with a capital letter
Race-around condition is arises in level triggered JK flip flop . when you apply 1 to both j and k input than the flip flop will toggle on every clock or it may toggle multiple times in the same clock pulse . it may be possible that new output will feedback to input before clock goes to zero (for positive edge triggered) if it happens than the flip flop will toggle on time again . this undesired toggling is called Race-around condition. overcome by - using edge triggered flip flop. using very narrow clock width.
Alt + Tab on Windows or Command + Tab on Mac can be used to toggle between two active programs. It allows for quick switching between open applications.