timer uses internal clock frequency, and generates delay
counter uses external signal to count pulses...
*the register incremented for every machine cycle.
*maximum count rate is 1/12 of oscillator frequency.
*The register is incremented in response to a 1- to -0 transition at its corresponding to external input pin(T0,T1).
*maximum count rate is 1/24 of oscillator frequency.
*External I/P signal must be kept at least for one machine cycle
The difference between a timer and a counter is that a timer can be set to record different time intervals. As were a counter only records an overall length of time.
A counter counts up, a timer couts down.
PLC differences between timer and counter
The difference is that one is on and the other is off.
Stupid question the diffrance is that a timer is small a counter is big timers are used for time counters are used like desk did is answer it
556 is a dual version of 555 single timer.
chain in inside the engine and the belt is outside
The 555 is a timer, not a counter.
It would be more good if a contrast has been inquired between a timer or a counter, but although it is a question and question is to be answered, I will try to point out difference b/w ac and dc timer. if a comparison has been made b/w ac and dc signals, then it would come to us that they both are two different means to achieve the same objective. Both are used to behave as a source of energy which is essentially desired to drive an electrical load, They both are transformable, An ac signal can be converted to dc using rectifiers or an ac signal of the desired frequency can be generated using oscillators that would be further amplified up till the required strength, In this case dc signal is provided to biased the semi conductors that was involved in both ac and dc signal. As far as the difference b/w ac and dc timer is concern in both case timer behave as a device that generate interrupt after counting certain value, It can count both up and down. To illustrate difference b/w counter and timer it should be made very clear that to count up and down depends upon an occurring of an even in case of counter where as for timer, Any event is not desired to count up or down, Counting has been made periodically. In most cases timer are digital in nature, involved sequential circuit and controlled by micro controller or processor where the logic has been defined. Usually it is seen that timers and both counters are embedded in the controllers. I never heard of ac counter, if there would be any then it can be considered as a device where a conventional pure digital counter is followed by a rectifier that provide the required dc levels to biased semiconductor device involved in the construction of Timer.
Contact the manufacturer or distributor.
its like a 555 timer chip. if you know wht that is
Timer means time between the signal waves