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Oldest TVs

  1. had glass tubes inside with wires in them that lit up like light bulb filaments; each tube was expensive to replace
  2. had rolled copper
  3. had a large picture tube
  4. outer case matched the shape of the picture tube; no TV was flat at the back
  5. needed 3 feet from wall
  6. had small viewing screen
  7. needed "rabbit ears" for an antenna that had a wire screwed to the back of the TV to ground it
  8. needed a large antenna on the roof
  9. needed a lightning rod in the ground beside the house
  10. Were only in Black and White until the mid 1960s.
  11. No remote control
  12. Needed to turn knobs to adjust vertical and horizontal hold; coloring; etc.
  13. TV picture tubes got very hot and could explode; needed disposed of properly

Newer TVs have electronic components and have progressed to "flat screen TVs" with flat backs that can be hung on the wall.

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7y ago
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13y ago

new TVs have better technology, and are downright better.

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14y ago

one is new and one is old.

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10y ago

hello I don't care

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