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regulus is 1.36 and procyon is 0.36 so the differnece is 1

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Q: What is the difference between the magnitudes of the bright stars Regulus and Procyon?
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If light from one star is 40times more intense than light from another star what is their difference in magnitudes?

The magnitude difference between the two stars is 2.5 * log(40) = 4.0 magnitudes.

If light from one star is 40 times more intense than light from another star what is their difference in magnitudes?

The difference in magnitudes between two stars with a ratio of 40 in intensity is 5 magnitudes. This is because every 5 magnitude difference corresponds to a factor of 100 in brightness (2.512^5 ≈ 100) as per the magnitude scale formula: m2 - m1 = -2.5 * log(I2/I1).

How big is regulus?

Regulus is a multiple star system composed of at least four stars, located about 79.3 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Leo. The primary star, Regulus A, is a blue-white dwarf star that is larger and hotter than the Sun. The whole system spans a distance of about 290 billion kilometers.

The brightest stars have apparent magnitudes that are?

The brightest stars have apparent magnitudes that are lower, indicating they appear brighter in the sky. The apparent magnitude scale is inverted, with lower values representing brighter objects and higher values representing dimmer objects. Bright stars typically have apparent magnitudes between -1 to 1.

What is a special feature of the Leo constellation?

One special feature of the Leo constellation is that it contains the bright star Regulus, which is located at the lion's heart in the constellation. Regulus is one of the brightest stars in the night sky and is significant in many cultures and mythologies.

Related questions

If light from one star is 40times more intense than light from another star what is their difference in magnitudes?

The magnitude difference between the two stars is 2.5 * log(40) = 4.0 magnitudes.

What is the resultant of two vectors in the opposite direction?

When two vectors are in opposite directions, their resultant is the difference between their magnitudes, with the direction of the larger vector. This means the resultant vector points in the direction of the larger vector and its magnitude is the difference between the magnitudes of the two vectors.

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When you combine two displacements in opposite directions, you subtract their magnitudes. This means that the resulting displacement will be the difference between the magnitudes of the two displacements, with the direction of the larger displacement determining the overall direction of the combined displacement.

The sum of two vectors is a minimum when the angle between them is what?

180 degrees. Then the sum of the two vectors has a magnitude equal to the difference of their individual magnitudes.

If light from one star is 40 times more intense than light from another star what is their difference in magnitudes?

The difference in magnitudes between two stars with a ratio of 40 in intensity is 5 magnitudes. This is because every 5 magnitude difference corresponds to a factor of 100 in brightness (2.512^5 ≈ 100) as per the magnitude scale formula: m2 - m1 = -2.5 * log(I2/I1).

Can two vectors having different magnitude be combined to give a zero resultantis it possible for three vectors?

-- The minimum magnitude that can result from the combination of two vectors is the difference between their magnitudes. If their magnitudes are different, then they can't combine to produce zero. -- But three or more vectors with different magnitudes can combine to produce a zero magnitude.

When are forces subtracted?

Forces are subtracted when they act in opposite directions along the same axis. The net force in this case is the difference between the magnitudes of the forces.

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The magnitudes of momenta are equal since momentum is a vector quantity, determined by both magnitude and direction. If the direction of the momenta are different, the magnitudes will depend on the angle between them.

What is the angle between two vectors if their sum is to be maximum?

The resultant vector has maximum magnitude if the vectors act in concert. That is, if the angle between them is 0 radians (or degrees). The magnitude of the resultant is the sum of the magnitudes of the vectors.For two vectors, the resultant is a minimum if the vectors act in opposition, that is the angle between them is pi radians (180 degrees). In this case the resultant has a magnitude that is equal to the difference between the two vectors' magnitudes, and it acts in the direction of the larger vector.At all other angles, the resultant vector has intermediate magnitudes.

If two stars differ by 8.6 magnitudes what is their intensity ratio?

The intensity ratio between two stars that differ by 8.6 magnitudes is approximately 630 times. This is because for every 1 magnitude difference, the ratio of intensities is about 2.512. Therefore, for an 8.6 magnitude difference, the ratio would be 2.512^8.6.

Can the magnitude of the difference between two vectors ever be greater than the magnitude of either vector?

Yes, the magnitude of the difference between two vectors can be greater than the magnitude of either vector. This can occur when the vectors are in opposite directions or have different magnitudes such that the resulting difference vector is longer than either of the original vectors.

Where is the star regulus Near the sun or in between sun and earth etc?

Regulus is about 77 light years distant from earth.There are no other stars between the sun and earth.The nearest star to earth is about 278,000 timesas far from us as the sun is.Regulus is about 17 times as far from us as that star is.