There is not much difference between Office 32 and Office 64 bit programs in terms of performance. However, Office 64 has a larger memory and stores more data.
Winnt.exe is the 16-bit version and Winnt32.exe is the 32-bit version
Some programs may not work on your wifes notebook because of the difference of bits. Some programs are only designed to work on 64 bit notebooks and can work on a 32 bit but not the other way around.
Yes. Most of the programs which work on Windows 7 will work on Windows 8. Jus you have to take care of 32 bit or 64 bit programs.
The difference between a 32 bit and 64 bit CPU is the speed in which a computer will read and process the information. A 64 bit CPU will read much quicker and can handle the memory usage better than a 32 bit.
I believe you meant difference between a bit and a byte. A byte is 8 bits.
metal drill bit has a finer point
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I want to download Aegisub on Medocow. But I see two files there aegisub-3.1.3_32.exe (with 32 bit) and aegisub-3.1.3_64.exe (with 64 bit) and I do now know what file I need. What difference between them?
Although both 64 bit and 32 bit software programs perform similarly, 64 bit programs can handle bigger files much more efficiently than 32 bit programs.
yellow is a bit brighter in colour.
Winnt.exe is the 16-bit version of the setup program and Winnt32.exe is the 32-bit version. Both are located in the \i386 folder on the CD. You can use Winnt.exe for a clean install or an upgrade on a computer running windows.
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