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The difference between

The differeence between the Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian is that the Cambrian fossils are ones of hard shell creatures because of thee evolved predators.

The difference between

Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian is that the Cambrian fossils are ones of hard shell

creatures because of the evolved predators.rian fossils

Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian is that the Cambrian fossils are ones of hard shell

creatures because of the evolved predators.

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Q: What is the difference between the Cambrian and preCambrian periods?
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What is the significance of the didvision between the Cambrian and PreCambrian periods?

During the Cambrian period, life began to appear on the planet.

How many periods are in each era?

there are different periods in each era. In the Cenozoic era, there are 2 periods, Quaternary and Tertiary. Mesozoic era has 3 periods, Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic. Paleozoic has 7 periods, Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician, and Cambrian. Precambrian is just the present, no time periods in it.

What are the major subdivisions of geologic times?

The major subdivisions are the Precambrian, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, which are subdivided into Archean and Proterozoic (Precambrian), Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous (or Missisipian and Pennsylvanian in the US) and Permian (Palaeozoic), Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous (Mesozoic) and Tertiary and Quaternary (Cenozoic). For a graphical representation, see

The major divisions in geologic time are?

Precambrian Paleozoic: -cambrian -ordovician -silurian -devonian -mississippian -pennsylvanian -permian Mezozoic: -triassic -jurassic -cretaceous Cenozoic: -tertiary -quaternary

What era featured the longest periods with no life forms on Earth.?


What are the periods that make up the precambrian Era?

4,028,000,000 years.

Why is the PreCambrian era not divided into periods?

That is a good question. Actually the Precambrian is divided into sections. Wikipedia has a good review of its subsections.

do Eras and periods both appear at the start of the Cambrian period?


What time period would a brachiopod be alive?

Brachipods evolved about 540 million years ago during the Cambrian period. They still exist today, so they also were alive during all of periods between now and the Cambrian.

What are the periods that divide the early paleozoic?

Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian Periods

12 periods in order from the preCambrian to the quaternary?

The 11 geological periods from Precambrian to Quaternary are :-Paleozoic Era Cambrian Period - 542 to 488.3 million years agoOrdovician Period - 488.3 to 443.7 MaSilurian Period - 443.7 to 416 MaDevonian Period - 416 to 359.2 MaCarboniferous Period - 359.2 to 299 MaPermian Period - 299 to 251 MaMesozoic Era Triassic Period - 251 to 199.6 MaJurassic Period - 199.6 to 145.5 MaCretaceous Period - 145.5 to 65.5 MaCenozoic Era Paleogene Period - 65.5 to 23.3 MaNeogene Period - 23.3 to 2.588 Ma

The largest division of geological time is called?

The Archean Eon, which is part of the Precambrian period along with the Proterozoic Eon.