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Q: What is the difference between the Accounting and Currency number formats?
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What format is used to display non-currency numbers?

There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.There are a number of formats in Excel that can be used other than currency and accounting, like percentage, fraction, general, scientific and number. Date and Time formats can also be applied to numbers.

What are the formats for displaying numbers in a cell?

There are many different formats for displaying numbers in an Excel cell including a general format, a currency format, a percentage format and an accounting format.

What can cells with numeric data be formatted as?

There are a wide range of numeric formats that you can use such as percent, currency, general, fixed, comma, accounting, fraction, scientific and others.

Which cell format display numerical data preceded by a dollar sign?

The currency and accounting formats can do that. As there are many currencies in the world, in different countries where the dollar is not used, a computer can be set to use a different currency symbol and it can also be done directly in Excel. So setting the cell format to currency or accounting format doesn't always put a dollar sign before the numbers.

What is the difference between IPSAS format and other formats of presentation of financial reports?

The IPSAS formats are the required schedules under the International Public Sector Accounting Standards. These include: Statement of Financial Position Statement of Financial Performance Cash Flow Statement Statement of Changes in Equity

What is the difference between file formats?

Length and the way it's coded.

What is the difference between swf avi mp4 flv wmv mov besides them being different formats?

the only difference between these besides that they are different formats is that they may open in different media players

Match examples of number entries to the number formats you would use to represent them in Excel 2007 All formats may not be used?

Fraction >> 8/10 Currency>>-$66,198.05 Number>>-8547.54 Scientific >> Time>>12:51:37 Accounting>>99,178.98

What are different formats for displaying numbers in a cell?

The are many different formats that numbers can be wrote in. You can use percents, fractions, decimals, currency, or in a currency format. These formats can be used in Microsoft Excel.

What is the Difference between KML and KMZ file formats?

kmz is zipped kml

What is an access data type?

Number or currency formats

What are the different formats for displaying number in a cell?

Numbers can be formatted in far more than 3 ways. There are various number formats such as currency, percentage, fraction, general, scientific and others. Numbers can also be dates and times. Other forms of formatting include alignment such as left, right and center, and sizes and different colours and other kinds of formatting.