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The 2nd generation features a speaker, which is handy, it is slightly smaller and lighter than the first one only by a few thousandths of a pound.

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Q: What is the difference between the 1st and 2nd gen ipod touch and what sizeshape differences make one able to tell the two apart and make different cases necessary?
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How does a person contract skin cancer?

Most skin cancer is preventable. Just remember that the next time you spend your summer, baking out in the sun at the beach, without sun block lotion to protect your skin cells. While you may end up with a glorious tan, that tan won't do you a bit of good when your doctor informs you that you've contracted a form of skin cancer twenty years later.Your skin protects your body against infection, light, heat and many injuries, and it is made up of two layers: basal cells and squamous cells. The top layer of skin contains basal and squamous cells, in addition to melanocytes, which are what gives your skin your particular shade or color.Many different factors can cause skin cancer, including heredity and how much time you spent in the sun during your first eighteen years of life. Skin cancer is more common in light skinned people than dark and can start on any part of the body, though areas such as the face, neck, arms and hands are the most common.When checking for signs of skin cancer, you need to know what you're looking for and what is normal and what isn't. Any change in the skin is something that needs your attention, especially if it seems to be a growth or a sore that won't completely heal. If it's a lump, it may appear shiny, or can be a reddish or brownish color. It may also appear as a flat, red, rough spot.Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that is diagnosed when malignant, or cancer, cells are found in the melanocytes. This type of skin cancer usually occurs in adults, but not always. Melanoma is a serious skin cancer, even more so that basal or squamous skin cancer.The skin cancer known as melanoma can be treated successfully when caught early, before the cancer has a chance to metastasize, or spread, through the lymph or blood systems.If you have any of the following warning signs, schedule a visit with your doctor as soon as possible:a change in sizeshape or color of any moleany oozing of blood from a molea mole that may itch, or becomes hard or swollen, even tender to the touchSometimes, skin cancer in the form of melanoma can appear suddenly, like a new mole. In men, these moles often appear between the shoulders and hip areas, and for women on the arms or the legs.Nearly one out of every seven people in the United States will develop some type of skin cancer in their lifetime, and believe it or not, one severe sunburn can increase the risks of developing skin cancer by almost 50%! Don't mess around with skin cancer.Wear sun block with at least SPF of 15 or more when outdoors or at a poolside or at the beach. You'll still be able to get some color. Remember that even on cloudy days, you can still get sunburned. Always reapply sun screen every two hours and after swimming and try to wear loose clothing that protects your skin if you're planning to be outside in the hot sun for more than an hour or two.That glorious, golden tan that you aspire for every summer may look great with that nice little white sundress, but try to remember what may be happening to your skin and the damage that can be done for a compliment that lasts all of a second. Skin cancer lasts more than a second, and for many, it proves to be a death sentence.