The Sky's real.
The difference between the rotation and revoulution is that rotation is the spiinning of the planet on its axis and revoulution is the orbiting of the planet around the sun.
The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is about 150 million kilometers. This distance varies due to the elliptical shape of the Earth's orbit.
you can't
There is no difference.
physio logical strucutre
It will go in the default tablespace of the user that creates the object.
Table salt has a cube structure and table sugar has a hexagonal crystaline structure.
A state table defines the behaviour of the of the sequantial function
A ratio table is more like a pattern, where a data table has graphs.
A ratio table is more like a pattern, where a data table has graphs.
A chair you sit upon, and a table you eat upon.
Alter tablespace is the command
truth table contains inputs and excitation table takes outputs as inputs
truth table gives relation between i/p & o/p. excitation table is use for design of ff & counters.