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-- synapsis: homologous chromosomes are coming close together and bivalents are formed.

-- crossing-over: non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes interchange genes

The pairing (formation of bivalents) allows crossing over to take place and this enables genetic variations in the gametes.

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Q: What is the difference between synapsis and crossing over?
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The exchange of genetic material between chromatids is called?

Crossing over is the exchange of genetic material between chromatids. This is also known as synapsis, and it occurs during prophase one of meiosis.

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What is the difference between crossing over and chiasma?

Synapsis is the process in which the genetic material is exchanged between two homologous non sister chromatids (the pair of chromosomes which are same in shape,size but not identical) whereas chaisma is the actual site where synapsis occur.

When does crossing over occur in this meiosis?

Crossing over occurs during synapsis, prophase I.

Synapsis and crossing over occur during?

prophase I

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What happens in meiosis one that does not occur in meiosis?

the synapsis and crossing over of homologous chromosomes

What is the difference between the gametes produced without corssing over and the ones produced with crossing over?

Gametes produced by crossing over are called non parental and possess more genetic variations as compared to those produced with out crossing over which possess much less genetic variations.

Gene maps are based on?

the frequencies of crossing over between genes

What is the exchange of genes between homologous pairs of chromosomes?

homologous chromosomes exchange alleles during crossing over.

What is the exchange of a corresponding segment between homologous chromosomes?

It would appear you are speaking of crossing over which takes place in Prophase I of meiosis.