When using the terms "successors" a "predecessors", it is usually in reference to a highly-valued title, for example king or president. Successors are the ones who come after; predecessors are the ones who came before. Bush is Obama's predecessor and Obama is Bush's successor.
The predecessors to the Romans were the Latins or Latinii, who lived in the area that became Rome.
The difference between a shogun and a samurai is like the difference between a king and a knight.
Vietnamization differs from the war policies of Nixon's predecessors in the sense that it reflected the Tet Defensive and the following ramifications.
there is no difference between this two...
Are current Pope and Bishops are the current sucessors of the apostles being they are the main people continuing on Jesus teachings
The iPad with retina display is also known as iPad 4 or the 4th generation iPad. The major difference between this iPad and it's predecessors are a better camera, a better processor and two times faster Wi-Fi.
the Toltecs adopted many cultural features from their predecessors to which they added a strongly military ethic and human sacrifice
The Nintendo DSi XL is a decent step up from its predecessors. The XL features an enormous 4.7in screen, whereas the DS has a puny 3in. The XL also boasts more user-friendliness with its bigger screen.
That is the correct spelling of "predecessors" (those who came before their successors).
The predecessors to the Romans were the Latins or Latinii, who lived in the area that became Rome.
The Etruscans
Predecessors of who or what?
difference between as on and as at
What is the difference between Florida and California What is the difference between Florida and California
what's the difference between physician and doctorwhat's the difference between physician and doctor what's the difference between physician and doctor