A Succulent Fruit is a fruit with juicy, fleshy, brightly coloured outer parts. For eg. orange, apple, lemon, melon, peach. A dry Fruit is a fruit with a hard, dry outer covering around their seeds. For eg, nuts, avocado, passion fruit etc.
Its Inbetween Because The Flesh That You Eat Is A Bit Dry Yet In The Middle Is Full Of Liquid
dehiscenthave open fruits and they disperse when mature indehiscentdo not have open fruits.
Succulent fruits are fruits with juicy flesh, and are the more commonly eaten variety. Some examples include pineapples, peaches, pears, etc. Dry fruits are, as the name suggests, not juicy and include beans, nuts, and legumes.
The difference between dry chemistry analyzer and the chemistry analyzer is the reagents used.
A dry gallon is frozen.
Dry corn is dry and soaked corn is wet.
macular degeneration difference between wet and dry
Dry Fruit
About 40 proof
the answer is atmosphere and trosphere
dry fruit :)