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Straw and stover are both agricultural byproducts, but they differ in composition and usage. Straw refers to the dried stalks of cereal plants left over after grain harvesting, primarily used for animal bedding, mulching, and biofuel production. Stover, on the other hand, includes the entire above-ground plant material left in the field after harvesting, such as leaves, stalks, and cobs, and is typically used for animal feed, biofuel, and soil enrichment. In summary, straw is specifically the dried stalks of cereal plants, while stover encompasses the entire above-ground plant material after harvesting.

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11y ago

nothing . both r the same. stover or straw is obtained by harvesting, thrashing and removal of any cereal grains or legumes. but stover is used for sorghum, maize, milletes and soyabean. but straw is the term used for wheat, paddy, remaining legumes.................................... can be used as fodder. but generally used for bedding purpose in U.S, unlike in countries like India.....

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Why a liquid travels up a straw when you suck on it?

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When you take your finger off the top of a straw, the atmospheric pressure pushes the water up the straw to fill the empty space created by your finger. This is due to the difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the straw.

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u r stupid read ur book! loll

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Andy Stover's birth name is Andrew Stover.

How much air do you need for air to come out of a straw?

You need to create a difference in air pressure between the inside and outside of the straw for air to come out. By sucking on the straw, you create low pressure inside, causing the atmosphere's higher pressure to push the air through the straw and into your mouth.

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The pressure difference between the atmosphere and inside the straw causes the liquid to be pushed upward. When you create a low pressure by sucking on the straw, the higher air pressure outside the straw pushes the liquid up to equalize the pressure difference.

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What is the birth name of Alyson Stover?

Alyson Stover's birth name is Alyson Aldine Stover.