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A Procedure typically involves a set of actions that are followed in order to achieve a specific goal or target.

A Strategy is a SPECIFIC SET of PROCEDURES to achieve an OVERALL GOAL or TARGET.


While a Procedure is usually pretty consistent (unchanging); Strategy / Strategies are usually dynamic (constantly updated/changed), depending on the circumstances of a given situation (like the actions of others).

For example, there is a Procedure to building a table & There is a Strategy to winning a game. If you follow the correct procedure to build a table, you will end up with a correctly built table. The outcome of a game, on the other hand, depends on the other players strategy and your response (strategy) to their strategy; so your actions (procedures) are part of your strategy.

A Procedure will ONLY work given the circumstances are NOT CHANGING; therefore the same actions (a procedure) will NOT always result in the same outcome if the circumstances are changed/changing.

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Strategy is a set of procedures, while procedure is a set of actions.

The outcome of a procedure is not the same, if the circumstances are not the same, but the outcome is always same for a strategy under any circumstance.

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