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Mist and steam look very alike but there is a difference: mist is formed when when the air is too cold to hold its moisture, while steam is formed when water is heated beyond its boiling point (100 degrees Celcius).

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12y ago

I personally think that steam and mist are different: steam is hot, mist is cold.

Mist is tiny litte drops of water while steam is not any form of liquid but it is in the gas form.

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Q: What is the difference between steam and mist?
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No they are not the same. Steam is formed when water reaches boiling point then the water will start to evaporate to make water vapor. They then join particles in the air. Whenever there is a cold surface nearby the water will hit it and condense. Mist is formed when the ground cools and cools air close to it it causes condensation an water droplets form in the air.

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What is the difference between a calorifier and a steam generator?

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