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A staminate cone contains the male reproductive structures that produce microspores.

An ovulate cone contains the female reproductive structures that produce megaspores.

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Q: What is the difference between staminate and ovulate cones?
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What are staminate cones?

Male cone, versus female cone (ovulate cone).

How the locations of male and female cones in Pinus can ensure the success of pollination?

The male gametophyte of pine develops in cluster at the tip of lower branches of the cones tree. The location of staminate cones ensures the success of pollination by cross fertilization.

How locations of female and male cones in the pinus can ensure the success of pollination?

The male gametophyte of pine develops in cluster at the tip of lower branches of the cones tree. The location of staminate cones ensures the success of pollination by cross fertilization.

What is difference between seed cones and pollen cones?

Pollen cones are the male pollen-producing cones, and seed cones are the female seed-producing cones in conifer trees.Seed cones are gymnosperms, which means the seeds are not enclosed within an ovary (in Greek, gymno is naked).

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What is functional difference between rods and cones?

One is for daylight conditions and one is for evening/nighttime conditions.

WHAT IS THE Difference between male and female pine cones?

The pine cones that you are familiar with are probably female pine cones. You probably have never noticed male pine cones because they are much smaller and don't look much like the female pine cones. Male pine cones are much smaller and produce pollen grains. Female pine cones contain the egg. The pollen is carried from the male pine cones to the female pine cones by the wind.

What is the difference between a square pyramid and a cone?

Main difference is that square pyramids have square bases, cones have circular bases. For this reason, they're calculated differently.

Differences between cones and pyramids?

cones have round bases

What is the difference between a rod and a cone?

rods detect black, white and certain shades of gray and cones detect sharp details and colors. i.e color blind people have a problem with their cones. Cones contain the pigment iodopsin while rods contain rhodopsin. The membranes of rods undergo renewal but cones' don't.

What is the main difference between the two types of cones produced by conifer?

you see a cone bigger than the other one to identify it.

Where is a seed located on a pine tree?

Pine nuts grow in the cones. When the cones open, revealing the nuts, birds and squirrels take the nuts before the cone falls from the tree, so it is very difficult to find pine nuts in the wild.