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Smoke is a byproduct of incomplete combustion. Fumes are the gaseous form of a substance that is solid at room temperature.

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7mo ago

Smoke is a collection of airborne solid and liquid particles whereas fumes are solid particles that have been converted into a gas. Smoke is typically produced by burning organic materials, while fumes are often the byproduct of chemical reactions or heating metals. Both can be harmful to health if inhaled.

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What is the French 'Qui fume' in English?

'Who smokes?' is an English equivalent of 'Qui fume?'The interrogative/relative pronoun 'qui' means 'who'. The verb 'fume' means '[he/she/it] does smoke, is smoking, smokes, [you] are smoking, do smoke, smoke'.Together, they're pronounced 'kee fyoom'.

How do you say I do not smoke in french?

je ne fume pas

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Casa = House / Fume = imperative tense of the verb to smoke / Marabá = a brazilian city in the state of Pará.

Why do you see fume before the burst?

because the fume is a result of the fire set on the string of the bomb there is a packet inside the bomb with a fuse going to it .Inside the packet is gun powder when the fuse reaches the powder it ignights it and causes either an explosion or smoke but smoke only if its a dud if it is not a dud it will explode causing it and any thing around it to blow up causing imideate death for any one or any thing around it. The fire is what causes the fume and ps isnt fume just fancy words for smoke

Where in Romeo and Juliet does it say love is a smoke?

"love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs" Act 1 Scene 1 (line 181)

When must you use low smoke and fume cables?

Low smoke and fume cables should be used in areas where smoke and toxic fumes could pose a risk to human health or equipment in the event of a fire. This includes places such as residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and other enclosed spaces with high occupancy levels.

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What is a synonym for fume?

gases, exhaust, smoke, volatile organic compounds (aka. V.O.C.'s), gaseous leak.

What cause your gas engine to fume blue smoke when you accelerate?

either you have bad piston rings or bad valve guides

What is difference between FRLS and ZHLS cable?

(ZHLS) :- Zero Helogen Low Smoke. (FRLS) :- Fire Retardant Low Smoke.

What are synonyms for fume?

gases, smoke, exhaust, pollution, vapour, smog rage, seethe, see red, storm, rant, smoulder