You can be skinny- yet not fit- no muscle, upper body strength, etc.
slim fit is for fat guys who cant fit in skinny jeans but i don't recommend skinny jeans.
The difference between regular and slim fit jeans is the same regardless of whether they are boys or girls. Regular jeans have a standard cut that offers plenty of room throughout the jeans while slim fit are tight against the legs.
skinny jeans get smaller and smaller at the bottom so they fit around the ancles but normal jeans dont
Very skinny! Pigs are the skinniest things in the world! Skinnier than pencils!
skinny but not to skinny
Not much, sometimes woman's skinny jeans may have no pockets and might be a tad stretchier.
iPad 1 is very thick iPad 2 is very skinny
If your pig ways between 1 and 4 lbs. maybe
What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit
Depends on the temperature setting of the oven...
The heels are stilleto-like (skinny) on one & not the other.
jeans are loose around the ankles.. skinny jeans are tight around the ankle, which makes them easy to tuck into boots.