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Basic voltage regulators are classified as either SERIES or SHUNT,

depending on the location or position of the regulating element(s)

in relation to the circuit load resistance.

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Series regulators are more efficient than shunt.

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Q: What is the difference between shunt and series regulator?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of a shunt regulator?

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What do you mean by series voltage regulator vs shunt voltage regulator?

wala... secret In general the difference between series and shunt (or parallel) is that series is like a string of pearls, each one receives from a leading source and sends directly to a draining target (the current has to flow equally through all). Parallel however is like a railroad track in that the source is one rail and the drain is the other rail with each of the ties pulling from one and pushing into the other regardless of what any of the other "ties" are doing (each has a completely separate current flow from the others). In terms of regulation a series regulator would have to "block" some of the power going through it to the load in order to regulate it. A shunt or parallel regulator would have to "drop" or waste enough of the limited available power to restrict what would be left available to the load (or loads). Hope this overview helps

What is the difference between a seperately excited DC generator and DC shunt generator?

The difference between a separately excited DC generator and a Shunt DC generator is that for a separately excited Dc generator , the excitation field winding is supplied by an external source different from that supplying the armature while for shunt generator, the excitation field windind is connected in series with the armature and supplied by a single source.

What is the difference between a shunt and a stent?

A shunt is a passage between blood vessels which diverts blood. A stent is used to prop open an artery.

Which has a highest resistance between shunt resistor and series resistor?

If you are placing more than one resistors in series, then its combined resistance is higher than when you place these resistors in shunt.

What are the basic types of facts controllers?

series controller, shunt controller,series-shunt controller,series-series controller

DifferEnces of long vs short shunt DC COMPOUND MOTORS?

the basic difference is ,in short shunt motor the series field winding wont carry any current under no load condition whereas in long shunt motors series winding will carry no load current.....

What is the difference between AV shunt and internal fistula in dialysis?

An AV shunt is surgically implanted. An internal fistula is an abnormality that develops in tissues/between areas of anatomy.

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What is difference between stab shunt dc motor and shunt dc motor?

A series motor respond by decreasing its speed with small increase in current for a given load torque. A shunt motor holds its speed nearly constant with large increase in input current for same amount of load torque

Difference between shunt coil and tripping coil?

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What is difference between series fed and shunt fed hartley oscillator?

In a series-fed Hartley oscillator, the coil is in series with the tank circuit, while in a shunt-fed Hartley oscillator, the coil is connected in parallel to the tank circuit. This difference affects the impedance matching and frequency stability of the oscillator circuit. Series-fed tends to have better stability, while shunt-fed may be simpler to design.