sensitivity with respect to only on receiver.Gain depends upon transmission as well as receiver may be on power,voltage,current gain.when gain of the system increases performance also increases. vice versa
Sensitivity refers to the ability of a sensor to detect small changes in the input and produce a response. Gain, on the other hand, is a factor by which the sensor output signal is amplified to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. In simpler terms, sensitivity is inherent to the sensor's design, while gain is applied to the sensor output signal to make it more usable.
Thick walls on the stem of a thermometer help to insulate the temperature sensor from external temperature changes, providing more accurate readings. This design also helps to reduce heat loss or gain from the surroundings, improving the thermometer's sensitivity and precision.
The two factors that affect the rate of heat gain or loss of an object through radiation are the temperature difference between the object and its surroundings and the emissivity of the object's surface. The temperature difference plays a role in determining the direction and magnitude of heat transfer, while emissivity quantifies how efficiently an object emits or absorbs thermal radiation.
Things gain heat through the process of heat transfer, which occurs when there is a temperature difference between two objects or systems. Heat can be transferred through conduction, convection, or radiation, and is typically caused by the movement of particles within the material.
Kg is a unit of mass measurement, representing kilograms. Kp is typically used to represent the proportional gain in a control system, indicating how much the control output should change in response to the error signal. Kg and Kp are therefore measurements of different quantities - mass and control system gain, respectively.
Sensible heat gain is the heat absorbed or released by air without a change in moisture content, affecting temperature. Latent heat gain is heat absorbed or released when moisture changes state, like during evaporation or condensation, affecting humidity levels.
ISO and gain settings in photography both control the sensitivity of the camera sensor to light, but they are used in different types of cameras. ISO is a standard measurement of sensitivity, while gain is an electronic amplification of the signal. ISO settings affect the quality of the image by determining how much digital noise is present in the photo. Higher ISO settings can result in more noise, which can reduce image quality, especially in low light conditions. On the other hand, lower ISO settings produce cleaner images with less noise. Gain settings, on the other hand, can also affect image quality by amplifying the signal from the sensor. However, excessive gain can introduce artifacts and degrade image quality. In summary, ISO settings control the sensitivity of the camera sensor to light, affecting noise levels in the image, while gain settings amplify the signal from the sensor, which can impact image quality.
dude, read your question. hint:permanent and not permanent
Moderate=slight Increase=A gain.
Sensitivity of a closed loop system for a change in the system gain is 1/(1+GH)
Microphone gain refers to the sensitivity of the microphone to capture sound, while volume refers to the loudness of the audio output. Adjusting microphone gain can affect the clarity and detail of the recording, while adjusting volume can impact the overall loudness of the audio. Properly balancing gain and volume is important for achieving high-quality recordings with optimal sound levels and minimal distortion.
The Banker's Gain (BG) is the difference between a banker's discount and a true discount. It is a deduction with simple interest.
Realized gain or loss is measured by the difference between the amount realized from the sale or other disposition of property and the property's adjusted basis at the date of dispositionAnswer: TrueRealized gain or loss is the difference between the amount realized and the property's adjusted basis.
autotrophs gain carbon via CO2. Heterotrophs gain carbon by consuming organic molecules.
Mic gain refers to the amplification of the microphone's signal before it is recorded, while volume refers to the overall loudness of the audio output. Adjusting mic gain can impact the sensitivity and clarity of the recording, while adjusting volume can affect the perceived loudness of the audio. Properly setting mic gain can help capture clear and balanced audio, while adjusting volume can control the overall level of the recording.
Each 3db doubles the apparent volume.
dividends are the payments made from the profits in which a person owns stock, and capital gain is the increase in value of a capital asset.
57% gain. A R30 would be the same as a R19 + a R11 batt.