Sell-by is the date the store is supposed to be responsible for getting rid of it by.
Use-by is the date guranteed safe to eat by, but they are supposed to be moddest and last beyond the expiration date (the use-by date).
Purchassing is buying. My company purchases things that we use. Marketing is selling. Our marketing department helps find customers that want to buy the services we sell.
Posession just means enough for personal use, not much whilst possesing with intent to supply/sell means that you have a considerable amount, and have enough to sell to people.
You click on it and click buy or sell
A purchaser is a consumer buy a product for his/her personal use. A buyer is a trader (mostly) who purchases a product for trading.
A website such as eBay or Craigslist allows you to buy and sell parts online. Craigslist is free to use.
No. If you have a trading account then you can use that to directly buy or sell stocks.
Franchisee is an agreement between two parties of endorsing a right to use or sell of products, services of other party. Royalty is the amount of income which will get by other party, who transferred the right to use or sell products, services through Franchisee agreement. Thank You, Naresh Peddineni Chartered Accountant.
There is no difference between golf balls that amateurs and professionals use. Yes you could say that professionals only use the high end golf balls, whereas amateurs use any ball they buy. The professionals may have their name, a sponsors logo or special numbers on the ball. But in terms of playability there is no difference.
the difference between has and have is that you use has in sentences with : ( she , he and it ) for example : she has a book . but you use have in sentences with : ( I , you , we and they ) for example : you have a book , I have a book .
Puppy planet is a website buy or sell puppies.
they use the code on the dollars so they know the difference between 2 and if you use the money to buy thiings then your a idiot because they can track were it goes with a comuter
To find the difference between two sets in Python, you can use the "-" operator or the difference() method.