satiety = when you've eaten enough and don't feel hungry anymore
satiation = when the feeling of hunger is gone and you feel a strong feeling of satisfaction
False. Satiation is signaled in the brain by compounds such as leptin, peptide YY, and cholecystokinin.
I can describe the meaning of the word "satiated" more effectively by comparing it with the the word "satisfied" ("satiation" vs. satisfaction"): You could use satiated in place of satisfied (ex: They weresatisfied- therefore they were satiated... The musicsatisfied them to satiety. . . etc) - as satiationcan imply no more than a complete satisfaction- however... There are actually subtle differences between satiation & satisfaction* : whereas satiation (ie, the state of satiety, ie, the condition of being satiated) is more often used to described being overfilled or overfed- past the point of satisfaction- to the point of glut or repletion - or to the point where there is no longer a pleasure in what once seemed desirable. And, conversely, satisfaction implies appeasement- to be satisfied is to be pleased, or content, or fulfilled. Satisfaction is indicative of an ending of a desire or a longing, due to the act, or a sense, of fulfillment. The desire has been satisfied, therefore the desire is no more. Again though, you can use "satiated" in the same way as you would use "satisfied" - to satisfy someone is tosatiate them - satiation does not always have to imply repletion- on the other hand,however, you cannot use satisfaction in place of satiation - it is not used in the same way- satisfaction can never imply over-satisfaction! *(and note their forms of satiated/satisfied ; satisfy/satiate ; satiety or satiation/satisfaction)
Satiation means a feeling of fullness, whether that be with an emotion or food. It is also the idea of relieving as in the sentence "It satiated her hunger." Satisfaction is more of being content with something. As if something were good enough to fulfill your want. Normally, satisfaction is used with an emotion and satiation with hunger, but the two are really interchangeable.
Fat. Protein is the most satiating followed by carbohydrates and lastle Fat. This is because hih fat foods are flavorable, which stimulates apetite and entices a person to eat more.
No, it's actually the opposite. Satiation is defined as "to satisfy (an appetite or desire) fully" by the free online dictionary.
no. foods containing protein have the highest satiety value.
No, the opposite.
Satiation refers to how a reinforcer loses its effectiveness. For example, if someone is receiving chocolate as reinforcement, it is likely that after a time they will tire of it and no longer find it desirable. Satiation will occur if a reinforcer is given at too high a frequency, intensity or duration. Satiation tends to be linear - that is, a graph of the reinforcing effect of a stimulus against the amount of the stimulus will be a straight line falling off from left to right. There will be be a quantity of the stimulus greater than which it will start to function as a punisher. When satiation begins, the rate at which the desired behavior is displayed tapers off until it halts. This is very common with primary (or unconditioned) reinforcers such as food. Secondary (or conditioned) reinforcement such as activities, social opportunities, and learning activities tend to be more immune to satiation. General reinforcers such as money or praise - that is, secondary reinforcers that are associated with more than one primary reinforcer - are also resistant to satiation.
satiation, gratification
The trick to losing weight and keeping it off is learning to recognize feelings of hunger and satiety, so that you eat only when your body tells you to, instead of when your mind wants you to.Goldfish do not have the feeling of satiety when they are full, like humans do, so if you let them, they will eat and eat until it kills them.Before dinner the children were hyperactive, but after dinner their satiety made them groggy and sleepy.
"Semantic Satiation"
Satiation is being physically full and unable to eat anymore food.