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the difference sap and resin

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9mo ago

Sap is a fluid that circulates in a plant's vascular system, carrying nutrients and water. Resin is a sticky substance produced by certain plants as a response to injury or to protect against insects and pathogens. Resin hardens over time and has various uses, such as in varnishes and adhesives.

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Q: What is the difference between sap and resin?
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Resin is a term applied to the sap of certain trees which hardens over time, many of which have strong and sweet aroma as well as gum-like properties. Examples are the sap of the balsam tree, which is referred to as frankincense, and the sap of the acacia - gum Arabic.

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It is a conifer. The sticky sap is actually resin.

When a Christmas tree gets cut the sap is sticky. What does this tell you about the tree?

It is a conifer. The sticky sap is actually resin.

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Another name for hardened tree sap is resin. Resin is commonly used in the production of varnishes, adhesives, and incense.

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The difference is that raw sap is made up of only water and mineral salts and elaborated sap is made up of raw sap (water and mineral salts) plus carbon dioxide.

What is another name for resin?

Another name for resin is sap. Resin is a sticky substance produced by plants, while sap refers specifically to the fluid that circulates in plants.