Purchase price is what the employee time costs the company to provide the service. Hourly rate plus all costs to you for that employee.
Sales price is what you charge the customer for that employee time.
Company X buy material 1001 from Company Y.
SO I must maintain a Purchase contract of material 1001 of Company X, supplier is Company Y.
Meanwhile, I have to maintain a Sale Price list of material 1001 of Company Y, customer is Company X.
A tax based on the price of goods and paid at the time of purchase is a sales tax.
Last purchased price current actual current sales price referent price, Ans: current sale price.
Suppose the purchase price of a dining room set is $650.If the sales tax is $58.50, what is the sales tax rate?
The ruling price at any time is the last recorded sales price .
A sales plan and a sales forecast are essentially the same, however the big difference is one is a set plan for the whole year. It is mostly used with larger corporations to single out units. A sales forecast is set at the store/branch level and is there to help with the changing situations (ie weather, natural disasters, and the such) A plan is what you are going to do and a forecast is what you think is going to happen. There should be a link between the two, but you may not have the capacity to make all that you could sell.
A profit.
Sales tax in Pennsylvania is calculated on the difference between the sales price of the car and the trade-in amount. This is usually called the "money difference"
Subtract the sales price from the actual price!
A sales book is for recording sales (money you receive) a purchase book is for recording your purchases (money you pay).
Sales tax is on the purchase price not the value.
The sales price includes variable cost, the cost of the unit and the markup. Sales price is the rate customers pay for the item.
Volume is a change in how many products you sell Price is a change in how much you charge for the product
Depending on the state you purchase the phone in the sales tax will apply to the actual price paid (out of pocket) or the full undercounted retail value. By that I mean the difference between what the phone costs you and the advertised price of the phone ex-contract.
Sales price is the price at which unit of product is sold while variable cost is that cost of unit which in manfuacturing process varies with change in level of production directly.
contribution margin