OPEX is the continuous cost for running a product, business, or system. REVEX is the money that a company spends on activities which d are directly related to making sales. So the difference is mostly the time frame OPEX is on going and REVEX is temporary.
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There is no difference between the two products.
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CAPEX= Capital Expenditures REVEX = Revenues Expenditures
operating expenditure
operational expenditure
July 27 Olympic Stadium London
Not sure about the "A" but OM costs are Operational and Maintenance costs (OPEX costs).
The company OPEX specializes in long distance telecom services, mobile telephony (fixed & wireless), internet access (broadband & dial-up), voice over ip & corporate conference calling. They are a leader in the business, located in Chicago, IL.
If we are launching a new factory and buy some machine than whats is deprisation cost of opex
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Difference between paging and what?
The difference between a shogun and a samurai is like the difference between a king and a knight.