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Reduction means making the object smaller, reducing the size of something. Deduction means taking something away, making the amount smaller.

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Q: What is the difference between reduction and deduction?
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What a other word for subtraction?

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Difference between induction and deduction?

Induction is reasoning down to a set of principles, from facts. Deduction is going from a generalized down to particulars.

What is the difference between exemption and deduction?

Exemption doesn't form part of total income while deduction form part of a total income.

What is the phonetic difference between reduce and reduction?

The main phonetic difference between "reduce" and "reduction" lies in the last syllable. "Reduce" is pronounced as /rɪˈduːs/ with the stress on the second syllable, while "reduction" is pronounced as /rɪˈdʌkʃən/ with the stress on the third syllable and an additional 'k' sound.

What is the Difference between variety reduction and Standardization?

Different btw standardization and variety reduction

What is difference between bankers discount and true discount?

The Banker's Gain (BG) is the difference between a banker's discount and a true discount. It is a deduction with simple interest.

What is the meaning of reduction lead in a news?

Deduction is the process where a substance gains electrons.

What are other words mean subtraction?

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What is the difference between cost minimization and cost reduction?

bogo ka!