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I think the difference is that reading for literature is synonymous with reading for pleasure, and reading for info is reading to acquire knowledge.

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4mo ago

Reading for literature involves analyzing themes, symbolism, and style to gain a deeper understanding of a text's artistic qualities, while reading for information focuses on obtaining specific facts or knowledge from a text. Literary reading often involves interpretation and subjective analysis, whereas informational reading aims to gather objective data or details.

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i'm a language teacher at a secondary school . i face diffiuculties to explain these terms to mystudents. ANSWERpeople seek pleasure in everythimg.there are many means of pleasure.but reading is the best.there are many novels, stories, magazines, etc. that one can is said that reading makes a full man.the pleasure we get from reading is unique in man ways.reading is an excellent mental exerciseand awakens our horizonsof outlook.there is no aspect of life which is not covered by books. written by bluesim2 for more info. log on to google: essays on pleasure of reading.

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