Qualification means what expertise you have whereas knowledge when you apply such expertise
Knowledge is what you know and skill is what you can do.
what is difference between 18 & 81 in general knowledge
All science is knowledge but not all knowledge is science.
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Knowledge is true, and belief is something that is claimed to be true.
Academic qualifications refer to degrees or certifications earned through traditional education institutions, while technical qualifications generally focus on specific skills or knowledge related to a particular job or industry. Academic qualifications are broader and more theoretical, while technical qualifications are more specialized and practical.
A long ticket is the ticket that requires a knowledge of the qualifications of every candidat.
The main difference between a master's degree and a PhD is the level of academic depth and research involved. A master's degree typically requires coursework and a thesis, while a PhD involves more extensive research, a dissertation, and contributes new knowledge to the field.
It's the kind of beer he drinks.
a bit of knowledge means less knowledge (to someone) bit of knowledge a material which gives knowledge
Difference between skilled and Professional is skilled is you knowledge and Professional is you way how to work with people.