if we purchase assets on credit then we will pass its entry in journal voucher n if we buy anything other then asset related to our business then we will go for purchase voucher..........
ones a journey entry and the other is a journey voucher
No, These two are different. Journal vochar is document through which journal Entries are made in books of accounts
Because voucher register has all the necessary records that found in the purchases journal and subsidiary accounts.
OF 1017-G, Journal Voucher
ones a journey entry and the other is a journey voucher
what is different between bill and voucher
OF 1017-G, Journal Voucher
When the purchase is of the item that is sold by you ( in trading business ) or it is not the raw material ( for the manufacturing unit ).
i want to use reference of a customer in journal entry to clear the due balance of customer from finance company. how i ll do that? please help me.
No, These two are different. Journal vochar is document through which journal Entries are made in books of accounts
If you want to cancel the voucher open the voucher perss Alt+X then it will cancel
NONE!!!!!!!!!they are exactly the same
i want to one side and other side tally transfer youse in email
Journal voucher is prepaired when non cash transaction is taking place. e.g Bank charges,Sales/income tax,depriciation etc.
Receipt voucher would be for the other person paying it, to say you received it. Payment Voucher would be for your side, where you're the one paying. To show a debit..