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A prophecy is a "prediction" of future events.

To prophesy is to give a warning message to people from God.

To give an example:

Daniel 7 is a prophecy of future events and nations that would rise up and dominate the world, that God revealed to Daniel in a vision.

Jonah was told to prophesy to the people of Ninevah and warn them to turn away from their sins and obey God, otherwise God would punish them.

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Q: What is the difference between prophecy and prophesy?
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Which is correct 'prophesy' or 'prophecy'?

Both of the words are correct.Prophesy is the verb. As in "he began to prophesy that a terrible event was about to happen".Prophecy is the noun. As in "the prophecy foretold this terrible event".

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Is there such a word as prophesise?

No, there is no such word as prophesise (British English) or prophesize (US English).The correct verb is "prophesy". For example "I prophesy the volcano will erupt tonight".The correct noun is "prophecy". For example "the prophecy has come true".Prophesise / prophesize is a very common grammatical error. No such word actually exists in the English language.Further Information:On the websiteOn The Free Dictionary website

Where is the first messianic prophesy?

We read a lots of prophesies about Messiah in the old testament and we know that they all are true. The first messianic prophesy was not made by any prophet or by any other person but the first prophecy was made by God himself. we read the first messianic prophesy in Genesis 3:15. God himself prophesized about messiah.

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How do you spell prophecies?

That is the correct spelling of the plural noun prophecies. The conjugation of the verb is prophesy or (3rd person singular) prophesies.

How much of Macbeth's prophesy has been fulfilled?

Macbeth's prophecy that he will become the king has been fulfilled. However, his fear of Banquo's descendants taking the throne has not yet come to pass.