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The meaning of prejudice is preconceived judgments toward a people or person due to race, age, etc. Dislike is very similar, but not the same.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 9mo ago

Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience, often leading to discrimination against a particular group. Dislike, on the other hand, refers to a feeling of distaste or aversion towards something or someone without necessarily involving stereotypes or discrimination. Essentially, prejudice is a deeper form of bias that can lead to harmful actions, while dislike is a personal preference.

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Q: What is the difference between prejudice and dislike?
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What is the difference between without prejudice survey and survey on without prejudice basis?

A "without prejudice survey" is a survey conducted without revealing the identity of the participants or the purpose of the survey, allowing for more candid responses. On the other hand, a "survey on a without prejudice basis" typically means that the survey responses cannot be used as evidence in a legal proceeding.

What is the difference between prejudice and assumption?

Prejudice is a preconceived opinion or feeling about a person or group that is not based on actual experience or reason, often leading to unfair treatment. Assumptions, on the other hand, are beliefs or ideas that are taken for granted without proof or evidence. Prejudice involves bias and negative attitudes, whereas assumptions may or may not carry any negative connotations.

What is the difference between segregation and prejudice?

Segregation refers to the physical separation of groups based on characteristics such as race or ethnicity, leading to unequal treatment and opportunities. Prejudice, on the other hand, is a mindset of holding negative beliefs or attitudes towards individuals based on their membership in a particular group, which can inform discriminatory actions. While prejudice can fuel segregation, segregation can also reinforce prejudice through the perpetuation of stereotypes and unequal power dynamics.

What is the difference between bias stereotyping and prejudice?

Bias refers to a preference or inclination towards a particular perspective, while stereotyping involves making assumptions about individuals based on characteristics such as race or gender. Prejudice, on the other hand, involves holding negative attitudes or beliefs about a certain group of people without sufficient evidence. Bias can lead to stereotyping, which in turn can fuel prejudice.

What are the tenses of prejudice?

The tenses of prejudice are past tense (prejudiced), present tense (prejudice), and future tense (will prejudice). Prejudice is an emotion or attitude formed prior to having adequate information, leading to a biased judgment.

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A dislike or prejudice view against homosexuals

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When you dislike someone you don't show feelings for them. When you disrespect someone you don't show care for them.

Why do people dislike gay people?

People dislike gay people because they are different. It's a simple matter of prejudice.

What is the difference between skepticism and bias?

Skepticism is uncertainty, while bias is prejudice.

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well it is diffrent by having a combinding for example.. thing about somthing you like and dislike

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The difference between 'resent' and 'recent' is, the word 'resent' is a synonym to the word 'hate' or 'dislike', while 'recent' refers to something that occurred a short time ago, or recently.

What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination who benefit and what should be done to correct these problems?

Prejudice is an attitude"I hate spinach."Discrimination is an action"Samoans have to live in ugly houses."

What is the difference between a stereotype and prejudice?

A stereotype is an idea of what a typical member of a class or group of people is like. A prejudice is a decision you make about something or someone without any evidence, but based on a preconceived notion of some kind.

Are their other fears in the world and name them?

here are some examples:Androphobia - fear or dislike of men.Chemophobia - prejudice against artificial substances in favour of "natural" substances.Christianophobia - fear or dislike of Santa Claus or Christianity.Ephebiphobia - fear or dislike of youth or adolescents.Gynophobia - fear or dislike of women.Islamophobia - fear or dislike of Islam.Heterophobia - fear or dislike of heterosexuality.Homophobia - fear or dislike of homosexuality.Xenophobia - fear or dislike of strangers or the unknown, sometimes used to describe nationalistic political beliefs and movements. It is also used in fictional work to describe the fear or dislike of space aliens.Clinophobia fear of beds

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This belief is known as the contact hypothesis. It suggests that interpersonal contact between individuals from different groups can help reduce prejudice and foster understanding.