Potential energy is energy that has the potential to be active. For example, when you pick up a pen, that is gravitational potenial energy, becasue it has the potetial to be dropped, in grvaity. Active energy would be when the pen is droppped and it is moving, it is active. It has a source of energy. Active energy is energy that is moving and working.
Potential energy is the stored energy an object possesses due to its position or state, such as gravitational potential energy. Active energy, on the other hand, typically refers to the energy being actively used or transformed at a given moment, such as kinetic energy when an object is in motion.
Yes, there will be a current between the two points because a potential difference (voltage) exists between them. This potential difference will cause charges to flow from the higher potential energy point to the lower potential energy point, creating an electric current.
Yes, there will be a current flowing between the two points if there is a difference in electrical potential energy. This potential difference causes charges to move and create an electric current to balance out the potential energy.
Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or condition, while potential difference is the difference in electric potential between two points in an electric field, which determines the flow of electric current between them. In essence, potential energy is a property of an object, while potential difference is a property of an electric field.
Potential difference between the ends of a conductor refers to the electrical energy difference per unit charge between two points in the conductor. It is commonly known as voltage and is measured in volts. A potential difference is necessary for the flow of electric current in a conductor.
The dimension of potential difference is voltage, which is measured in volts (V). Voltage represents the difference in electric potential energy per unit charge between two points in an electric circuit.
Anything with potential difference could create the flow of energy. A potential difference could be electropotential, chemical potential or potential difference between high and low ground like energy from water fall. A potential difference can exist in the form of motion difference between a stationary and a moving objects.
If there is a difference in potential energy, between two positions, this difference can be converted into other types of energy. For example, when an object falls down.
The difference in potential energy between the reactants and products.
Electric potential is the electric potential energy per unit coulomb. So unit for electric potential is J/C and that of electric potential energy is simply J
That's a difference in electrical potential, not potential energy.It's described in units of "volts".
whats the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy
Yes, there will be a current between the two points because a potential difference (voltage) exists between them. This potential difference will cause charges to flow from the higher potential energy point to the lower potential energy point, creating an electric current.
The difference in potential energy between the positive and negative terminals of a battery is expressed in volts.
Yes, there will be a current flowing between the two points if there is a difference in electrical potential energy. This potential difference causes charges to move and create an electric current to balance out the potential energy.
Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.
Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or condition, while potential difference is the difference in electric potential between two points in an electric field, which determines the flow of electric current between them. In essence, potential energy is a property of an object, while potential difference is a property of an electric field.