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is polytopic the same as polysporin

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Q: What is the difference between polysporin and polytopic?
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Related questions

What is the difference between Polytopic ointment and Polysporin ointment?

There is no difference in them. Both havebacitracin and polymyxing antibiotics in them.

What is the difference between polysporin and?

Polysporin is used as an ointment to treat cuts and scrapes. This provides an antibiotic coverage to kill germs and prevent infection.

What does Polysporin do?

Polysporin is an antibiotic ointment.

What does one use for Polysporin?

Polysporin is an antibiotic cream or ointment. It is used to treat certain types of infections that may be caused by bacteria. Most of the times, it is the doctor that will recommend how to use Polysporin.

What has the author Vivienne Laird written?

Vivienne Laird has written: 'The integration of polytopic membrane proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum'

Integral proteins in the plasma membrane?

Integral proteins are embedded within the plasma membrane and span its entire width, serving as channels for the transport of molecules across the membrane. These proteins are essential for cell signaling, cell recognition, and maintaining cell shape and structure. They also play a crucial role in cell adhesion and communication with the external environment.

What is the difference between polysporin and neosporin?

Neosporin is an antibiotic with three components...neomycin sulfate, polymixin B sulfate and bacitracin. If this combination is in ointment form, many times you will find it called "triple antibiotic ointment" or it's Trade name, Neomycin. Polysporin is a combination of two antibiotics, bacitracin zinc and polymixin B sulfate. By combining the three antibiotics, one may treat or prevent a wider range of bacterial infections. For more information see the Related Link. If you are allergic to penicillan, you should use Polysporin, instead of Neosporin to avoid potential hives.

Can you put polysporin on your lips?


Can you apply polysporin on your lips?


What is polysporin used for?

minor cuts burn wound

Is triple antibiotic ointment and polysporin ointment the same?

No...triple antibiotic (neosporin) is bacitracin, neomycin, & polymixin B. Polysporin is bacitacin and polymixin B. Very similar though, just not identical!

Does polysporin work on cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by a virus, and polysporin is not active against viruses, so it won't work for cold sores.