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Q: What is the difference between plant cell and cheek cells?
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What have you seen in plant cells but not in cheek cells?

i no that because inaot cheek cellsbut not plant cell

How are plant cells different from cheek cells?

A cheek cell do not have cell wall and chloroplast while a plant cell have cell wall and some have chloroplast.

What is the difference between cell division in plant cells and in animal cells is that plant cells have?

One difference between cell division in plant cells and in animal cells is that plant cells have a cell plate. Animals cell's have a cleavage furrow.

What is the difference between plant and animal and bacterial cells?

Plant and animal cells are eukaryotic and bacteria are prokaryotic

What is one difference between the animal and plant cell?

The most obvious difference between an animal cell and a plant cell is that animal cells have cell membranes, whereas plant cells have cell walls.

Do cheek cells have chlorophyll?

no cheek cells do not have chlorophyll only plant cells have chlorophyll its what turns the plant green.No, chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants, which takes part in the process of photosynthesis. It is not found in cheek cells.

What are the differences in onion cells cheek cells and amoeba cells?

Onion cells are plant cells, cheek cells are human cells and amoebas split? (i'm smart as well as beautiful, I also managed to keep my airhead image by putting a ? at the end, *giggles flirtily*)

What is the difference in shape between plant cells and animal cells?

Plant cells tend to be cubical in nature whereas animal cells tend to be spherical.

What is the difference between the centrosome of plant and animal cell?

Animal cells contain centrosomes and lysosomes while plant cells do not. Plant cells have chloroplast, which is not found in animal cells.

What is the difference between plant and animal cell?

Plant cells have chloroplasts and cell walls made of cellulose, and animal cells do not. Animal cells contain centrioles and plant cells do not.

What is one difference between the cell of plants and animals?

Plant cells have a cell wall, and animal cells do not.

Are cheek cells produced by plants or animals?

hmm, which organism has a cheek? the plant or the animal? well it definitely can't be the thing with a face. so i would say plant.idiot.