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The difference is a matter of perspective. "Pioneer" implies that no other human beings lived in the land that the newcomers were arriving in, making them therefore the first people to inhabit the place. This is how white people from the east saw themselves as they moved westward since they did not see the Native Americans they encountered as real people. The term "immigrant" highlights the newcomers' origins in a different, faraway place, effectively incorporating their foreign background into their new social identity in their adopted country.

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Q: What is the difference between pioneers and immigrants when they traveled to america?
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Immigrants from Europe who traveled to America in steerage were sent to Ellis island to face legal and medical inspection.

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Immigrants from Europe who traveled to America in steerage were sent to Ellis island to face legal and medical inspection.

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Ellis Island was America's largest and most active immigration station from 1892 to 1924. More than 12 million immigrants were processed there.

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