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The Chromatic Scale is all twelve semitones common to Western music. The Pentatonic scale is a group of five specific notes (per octave) that can be played within a particular key. For example, the "A Minor Pentatonic".

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A pentatonic scale has five notes per octave, while a chromatic scale includes all twelve notes within an octave. Pentatonic scales are often used in folk, rock, and Blues Music for their simplicity and versatility, while chromatic scales are more commonly used for creating dissonance or tension in classical and Jazz Music.

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Q: What is the difference between pentatonic and chromatic scale?
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Where does the pentatonic scale come from?

The pentatonic scale has ancient origins and can be found in a variety of cultures around the world, including in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. It is characterized by its five-note structure, which is widely recognized and used in music for its simplicity and versatility in creating melodies.

Who invented the chromatic scale?

The chromatic scale was not invented by one person but rather developed over time through the musical traditions of various cultures. It consists of all twelve pitches within an octave, and it provides a foundation for Western music theory and composition.

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The Kelvin scale is an absolute temperature scale where 0K represents absolute zero. The absolute temperature scale refers to any temperature scale that starts at absolute zero, such as the Kelvin scale. So, the Kelvin scale is a specific type of absolute temperature scale.

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To solve for electronegativity difference between two atoms, subtract the electronegativity values of the two atoms. Electronegativity values can be found on the Pauling scale. The greater the difference in electronegativity, the more polar the bond is.

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To weigh a wet diaper, first weigh the baby on a scale. Then, remove the wet diaper and weigh the baby again. The difference in weight between the two measurements will give you the weight of the wet diaper.

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What the difference between an whole tone scale and a pentatonic scale?

One difference between a whole tone scale and a pentatonic scale is that a whole tone scale has 6 notes per octave while a pentatonic scale has 5 notes per octave. Another major difference is that a whole tone scale has all adjacent notes a whole step apart, while a pentatonic scale does not consist entirely of whole steps, and since a pentatonic scale is only defined as a scale with 5 notes per octave, there are many pentatonic scales that are possible.

How many pentatonic scales are?

There are 330 possible 5 note permutations derived from the chromatic scale.

Is there a difference between Chinese and Japanese music?

Traditional Chinese music uses the pentatonic major scale, while traditional Japanese music uses the pentatonic minor scale.

What is an anhemitonic pentatonic scale?

An anhemitonic pentatonic scale is a pentatonic scale which contains no semitonal steps.

What is diatonic scale and pentatonic?

a scale that is diatonic and pentatonic

Does the pentatonic scale have 7 pitches per octave in its musical scale?

Yes, it does! No, a pentatonic scale has five notes.

What is meant by the Circle of Fifths?

The Circle of Fifths shows the relationship between the twelve tonnes of the chromatic scale. The chromatic scale is related to musical instruments.

How many notes made up the pentatonic scale?

A pentatonic scale is a musical scale with five notes per octave.

How is the pentatonic scale formed?

The pentatonic scale is formed by the 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 degrees from a major scale. For example, a C pentatonic has the notes C, D, E, G and A.

What is a chromatic scale?

A chromatic scale on any musical instrument is a scale that usually goes up 1 octave then goes down again. The difference between these and a regular scale is, are all the notes including the ones' in between, like sharps and flats or, in other words, half steps. For example, a C chromatic scale would start out like this: C, C sharp, D, E flat, E, F, F sharp, G, flat, A, A sharp, B, C, then back down.

The oldest playable instruments discovered in china were tuned to the?

Pentatonic scale

How old is the Chinese pentatonic scale?

The Chinese pentatonic scale I believe is roughly three or four thousand years old.