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Both are birds, however penguins fly in water while hummingbirds fly in air. Penguins live on fish while hummingbirds live on nectar.

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Q: What is the difference between penguins and hummingbirds?
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What are four kinds of birds?

Eagles, warblers, hummingbirds, and penguins.

What are the differences between penguins and puffins?

The main difference is.... puffins can fly - penguins can't !

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Absolutely nothing.

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The hummingbird has around 80 chromosomes. Hummingbirds need large amount of energy because they flap their wings between 60 and 70 times a minute.



What are the difference between seals and penguins?

Seals and penguins are completely different animals. To start with, seals are mammals and penguins are birds, which means that penguins have wings, feathers and beaks while seals don't. Although the seals flippers look like wings, they aren't. They are used for swimming. Seals have fur. Some types of seals also eat penguins, but otherwise they both eat fish.

How much more does an ostrich weight than a humming bird?

Besides the obvious- the HUGE difference in size- hummingbirds fly. Ostriches do not. They have a very different diet. Hummingbirds migrate each year, ostriches do not.

How can you tell the difference between a girl and boy hummingbird?

As with many species of birds, male hummingbirds are typically more brightly colored than females. In North America, the most common species of hummingbird are the Ruby-Throated and the Rufous. Both species are sexually dimorphic (meaning you can tell the difference between a male and a female by looking at them). Male Ruby-Throated hummers have a bright red gorget (or bib) that the females lack. Likewise, male Rufous hummers have a bright orange gorget, while females do not. When hummingbirds are young and sexually immature, males and females can appear identical. Also, there are a couple of species, such as the Berylline and Buff-bellied hummingbirds, where the color variation between an adult male and female are difficult to distinguish.

How are birds and penguins different?

The most obvious difference is flight. Penguins can't fly and puffins can. Puffins have longer feathers and don't live in the cold places that most penguins do. Most penguins are larger than puffins. Puffins have short, stubby, colorful, conical bills while penguins have longer, pointier bills. Puffins have pointy feathers behind their eyes and penguins don't. Try to look up images of penguins and puffins and compare the difference.

How are hummingbirds and penguins alike?

The only similarity is that they are both birds. Penguins are flightless, semi-aquatic (being at home in the water and they eat fish. The humming bird is able to fly backwards, forwards and to hover. They also feed on the nectar from flowering plants and the juice from over-ripe fruit.

What is the differences between Seals and Penguins of Antarctica?

Seals are marine mammals; penguins are sea birds.