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Payment is the transfer of money in exchange for some goods or services rendered, and is usually agreed upon by both parties prior to the exchange. If the arrangement is on-going, the payment is often a matter of contractual agreement. An honorarium is usually a gift in the form of money, often for a one-time service of some kind. In the case of honoraria the nature of the thing rendered is such that fixing a fee for it seems vulgar or otherwise inappropriate.

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Q: What is the difference between payment and honorarium?
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What is the abbreviation for Honorarium?

The abbreviation for honorarium is "hnr." Honorarium is a payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge. It is often used in academia or for guest speakers at events.

What is the meaning of honorarium?

An honorarium is a gift given to honor an individual. Most often given after someone is deceased, it is but one way to recognize the difference they made in one's life. An honorarium is an amount of money paid to somebody, especially to a professional or famous person. A fee for providing a service. Here in the Phils for example, a barangay officials are given an honorarium quarterly as payment for their service to the barangay.

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Gross = Before TaxesNet= After Taxes

What is the difference between compensation and salary?

When you work on an honorarium you get payment for certain piece of work, without signing a labor contract. For example in the medical field, from a financial point of view, this type of employment is highly beneficial - for example - the hourly payment for doctors on honorarium is 180 euros on average. German clinics seek both assistants and specialists for work on honorarium which means that the stage of professional development is not an obstacle for taking advantage of this opportunity.

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Is service tax is applicable on honorarium?

Honorarium is paid voluntarily by an organisation which has received some knowledge, article, examination answer books from specialists or experts in different fields as a token of recognition. Compared with professional fees for services rendered under agreed contracts, honorarium is a one-sided act and hence there isn't any service element. hence honorarium is not liable for service tax payment by the recepient of the amount or by the payer. However, professional fee earned is liable for service tax in the hands of the recepient.

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Balance of payment is the difference between the money coming into the country and the money leaving the same country.

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