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if your owner you own showthing and if you have ownership well i dont know stop asking these dump questions go on wikipedia

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Q: What is the difference between owner and ownership?
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What is the difference between delegation and empowerment?

Delegation you are given a task to complete, empowerment you have been given ownership and responsibility and accountability. in delegation what i need from you and in enpowerment what do you need from me?

What is the difference between shareholder and owner?

An owner - has sole responsibility for the financial success of a business. A shareholder - is an investor in someone else's business - with the hope of being rewarded by a share in the company's profits.

Difference between professional and traditional management?

under Traditional management ownership and management/control stay with the same persons. In Professional management, ownership and management may differ. ex: Take Joint stock companies - Owners are the shareholders whereas the management is taken care by managerial personnel who are professionals

What is meant by the divorce between ownership and control that can occur in public limited companies?

The divorce between ownership and control is when the shareholders (ownership) and the control (agents (board of directors, CEO etc)) have clashing view. Eg when Kraft pledged the bid to take over Cadbury, a majority shareholder named Warren Buffett didn't agree with the boards decision. This is know as 'The Divorce Between Ownership And Control)

What is the difference between a supervisor and a chief controller?

A supervisor is a person who watch's over someone or something. A chief controller is the top chief who maybe does all of the cooking with a little help or the owner.

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What is the difference between individual ownership and partnership?

Sole proprietorships are businesses that are owned and operated by a single business owner.

What is the difference between legal and beneficial ownership?

The legal owner is the owner who has title to a certain asset. However, he can hold this on a trust or nominee basis, for somebody else. This other person is the beneficial owner.

What is the difference between a primary owner and a co-owner of a business?

Often a question of control. Primary owner may retain majority interest and let one or more co-owners have limited vote in proportion to percentage ownership.

What is the difference between buy and lease a business?

The difference is ownership. When you buy something, it is yours. When you lease something, it belong to someone else and you have a certain set of agreed upon rights but at some point the business returns to the owner.

What is the abstract noun of owner?


What is the difference between recorded land and deeded land?

Deeded land has a legal owner of the land, with a deed to prove ownership. Recorded land is on record at the land office, but it is not necessarily deeded to anyone.

Does value consideration transfer ownership?

No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.

What is the difference between a relationship and ownership?

The different between relationship and ownership is that, relationship means how closer are you with a person. While ownership means a person who has something, examples car, motorcycle, bag, phone, e.t.c.

What is the antonym of ownership?


What is the difference between entrepreneur and an employer?

The difference between the two is a entrepreneur is the owner of a company, and a employer is working for someone. Entrepreneur is the launcher, organisor and owner of a company.

What is the punishment for giving away something not yours?

That will depend on what it is (big difference between giving away an apple and giving away a car), but if you have taken possession of it and disposed of it, you've asserted the rights of ownership. And if you're not the owner and have not been granted those rights by the owner, it's theft.

What is the principal difference between a bondholder and a stockholder?

The shareholder has an ownership interest and the bondholder is a lender.