Maximum velocity is the fastest an intem can go, while optimum velocity is the "best" speed it can travel on. For a car optimum velocity could mean either where you get the best MPG, or where you can go round corners/over bumps without the car starting swaying, or something like that.
Optimum velocity is the speed at which an object or system performs most efficiently or effectively. Maximum velocity is the highest attainable speed that an object or system can reach. Optimum velocity focuses on ideal performance, while maximum velocity focuses on reaching the highest possible speed.
The enzyme works at its maximum velocity at the substrate concentration where all enzyme active sites are saturated, known as Vmax. At this point, the enzyme is functioning at its optimum and adding more substrate will not increase the reaction rate.
The optimum frequency in wave propagation refers to the frequency at which a wave can travel with minimal loss and attenuation over a given medium. This frequency allows for efficient transmission of the wave without excessive absorption or scattering in the medium. Determining the optimum frequency involves considerations such as the properties of the medium, the distance of propagation, and potential interference from other waves.
Genetic predisposition Metabolism Diet and nutrition Physical activity levels Hormonal balance
A typical refrigerator temperature is set between 2 to 4 degrees Celsius. This range helps to keep food fresh and prevent bacterial growth.
Enzymes are sensitive to temperature changes. As temperature increases, enzymes become more active, increasing the rate of chemical reactions they catalyze. However, excessive heat can denature enzymes, changing their shape and rendering them nonfunctional. Similarly, very low temperatures can also reduce enzyme activity by slowing down molecular movements necessary for catalysis.
Maximum means overlimit while optimum means right/perfect amount
The enzyme works at its maximum velocity at the substrate concentration where all enzyme active sites are saturated, known as Vmax. At this point, the enzyme is functioning at its optimum and adding more substrate will not increase the reaction rate.
the balance between benefit and cost with the largest difference.
The interior optimum method uses an a choice that is determined by the position of an agent at a tangency that rests between the curves of two points on a graph. The boundary optimum method analyzes the position of waves.
The maximum. At this point the slope will be 0.
minimum, optimum and maximum temp
This Theory has been discussed in Public Finance under Dalton's principle of 'Maximum Social Advantage'. Optimum allocation of resources is that point where maximum marginal sacrifice of people is equal to maximum marginal benefits.
It is the minimum, maximum and optimum temperatures of plant growth and development.
The water content corresponding to the maximum dry unit weight or maximum dry density is know that as optimum moisture content.(o.M.c.) or optimum water content (o.w.c) maximum dry density is achieved at higher O.M.C.for cohesive soils or fine grained soils s compared to cohesionless soils.(sand 6-10%0
There is no optimum between 00C and 1000C.
Due to starling law,
Sorghum has optimum temp for root growth is at 30˚С, Sorghum optimum temp for root growth is at 35˚С, therefore sorghum has an optimum temperature range of between 25-35˚С. Sorghum on the other hand has no germination until 10˚С where there is a steep increase to 79% in a 5˚С temperature change, where it continues to increase to have a maximum of 95% the graph then decreases slightly.