Old describes something of considerable age relative to others of its kind or other stated viewpoint. As a general rule of thumb antique describes something of age usually greater than 50 years and to be of a certain value. Value is discerned by its state of rarity, age, history and how well sought after it is within the current market among buyers. If something is old, but has little or no value, it is not of thought of as antique.
Vintage rings aren't quite as old as an antique.
Antique is worth more money.
Ancient means very old, a long time ago in history. -Pharoah's ruled in ancient Egypt. Antique means made Not that long ago, and has a high value because of its beauty, how rare it is etc. -I bought some antique books the other day.See the related links listed below for definitions:
Is it a real antique or a reproduction? It can make a difference. Yes
Antiques by definition ARE old.
Antique. You spelled it right.
Fossil is a synonym of old and antique and begins with an F.
The word "antique" can be considered halfway between "old" and "new". It suggests an item that is not brand new but also not extremely aged.
A 33 is a 33, the only difference would be the way the person who owns it has it fixed up.
No. To be "antique" an item must be at least 100 years old.
For a coin to be considered to be an "antique" it must be 100 years old or older just like any other antique. Though most coin collectors never will refer to a coin as antique.