An octet is a unit of digital information equal to 8 bits, while a byte is a unit of digital information typically composed of 8 bits. Therefore, in most cases, the terms octet and byte are used interchangeably. However, historically there have been instances where a byte could consist of 6, 7, or 9 bits, while an octet always refers to 8 bits.
The phase difference between two waves is directly proportional to the path difference between them. The phase difference is a measure of how much the wave has shifted along its oscillation cycle, while the path difference is a measure of the spatial separation between two points where the waves are evaluated.
The difference between 164 and 220 is 56.
This discrepancy between 1024 kilobytes (KB) and 1000 kilobytes often arises due to the difference in the definition of "kilo" used in computing (binary) and in the International Systems of Units (decimal). In computing, digital storage is based on binary math, so 1 KB is 1024 bytes. However, in the SI system, 1 kilobyte is defined as 1000 bytes.
Potential difference between the ends of a conductor refers to the electrical energy difference per unit charge between two points in the conductor. It is commonly known as voltage and is measured in volts. A potential difference is necessary for the flow of electric current in a conductor.
The potential difference between the terminals of a connection wire is determined by the voltage difference applied across the wire. This voltage difference creates an electric field within the wire that causes charge carriers to move and establish a potential difference between the terminals.
8 Octets! :) or 8 bytes.
1000 bytes =1 kilobyte
2352 bytes (the size of a block)
A bit is a single 1 or 0. A Byte is 8 bits.
Short Name = Full name = Size in bytes = Size in bits KB = Kilobyte = 1000 Bytes = 8000 Bits Kb = Kilobit = 125 Bytes = 1000 Bits in previous answer there is mistake kb=12.5 bytes
1 MB is 1,024 times bigger than 1 KB.1MB is1048576 bytes (1024 Kb) while 1KB is 1024 bytes-Rajaguru
maximum 60 octets minimum 20 octets
4BG is not a term used for memory, as memory is stored in bytes. So the answer to your question is 1GB.
Both are used for Return operations. But the difference is IRET uses extra 2 bytes along with 2 bytes(making it 4 bytes) for poping from stack. And RET uses only 2 byte of instruction for Poping. IRET is used to switch from Virtual Mode to Protected Mode whereas RET isn't.
An IP address consists of 4 octets (or bytes), of 8 bits each. It is written as pointed decimal, each byte separated from the others by a point, for example:
A class B address range is all the addresses that start with binary 10, or decimal 128-192. As originally defined, the first two bytes (octets) indicate the network; the last two bytes are reserved for the host. That is, a class B network has about 65,000 available addresses.
Its not tetra its terra. Its is a measurement in the powers of 10. as you know kilobyte means 1000 bytes A megabyte is a million bytes A giga byte is a billion bytes A terra byte is a trillion bytes then there are peta-, exa-, zetta- and lastly yotta- A yottabyte is: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000 bytes.