the difference is that results are the answers to the observations.
what is a way
The range is the difference between the largest and smallest observations.
Scientists who possess integrity always report their observations and results truthfully, even if the findings are not what they expected or desired. Their commitment to honesty and transparency ensures the reliability and credibility of their research.
Quantitative observations are observations that can be precisely measured. Qualitative observations, meanwhile, are subjective observations that are based on the characteristics of what is being observed.
what is the difference between an observation and an assumption
Quantitative observations are the data collected in an experiment, mostly numbers. Qualitative observations would usually include written answers to analysis questions.
Quantitative observations refer to empirical and/or calculated data, while the latter refer to things such as colour and smell.
The main difference between qualitative and quantitative research/observations are the purposes of the observations. Qualitative research uses a small number of cases to determine the underlying reasons and motivations of an action. Quantitative research uses a large number of cases to create a generalized result.
A consequence is something that results from an action.An action results in a consequence.
A way to organize and record results and observations is using data table
Qualitative observations involve characteristics that can be observed but not measured, such as color or texture. Quantitative observations involve measurements or numerical data, such as weight or temperature.
WikiAnswers cannot describe something that you noticed. We were not there. Your assignment is to use your own observations to tell the difference between these properties.
The range.